Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Flapjacked GF Protein Pancake Mix

Welcome to the tenth edition of Pure Joy Wellness Approved—our last one of 2020!

My team and I decided to launch this series earlier this year, and I’ve had so much fun sharing some of my favorite products with you. As you know, my goal is to give you the tools and information you need to live your healthiest, happiest life. My hope is that this series has given you some new items to try, or at the very least, made you consider which products out there will really help you get where you want to be—with your body, mental health, skin, and more. 

Now that the holidays are in full swing, it feels like a great time to share one of my favorite food products… the FlapJacked Gluten Free Protein Pancake Mix! 


FlapJacked Gluten-Free Buttermilk Protein Pancake & Baking Mix, $12.99

Why I Love This Product

Imagine this: You roll out of bed on Christmas morning, feeling a little tired and maybe bloated from all the delicious treats you’ve indulged in. Instead of grabbing a plain Greek yogurt or green smoothie for breakfast to get you back on track, you head to your cabinet and grab pancake mix. You enjoy a stack of pancakes on Christmas morning, without guilt, indigestion, or another sugar coma. What a dream right? What if I said this could be your reality?!

The FlapJacked Gluten-Free Buttermilk Pancake Mix is my go-to for a filling, satisfying breakfast that tastes naughty, but is actually nice. This mix makes pancakes that your whole family will love, and with such a short and sweet ingredient list, you can feel good serving them to anyone! Be forewarned, though, they’re very, very good, so you may not want to share...

As usual, I could go on and on about why I love this PJW Approved product. Every product I choose has been in my wellness arsenal for years if not decades, so I don’t make these recommendations lightly! 

Here are the top reasons why you have to try this pancake mix: 

It’s packed with protein!

Each serving of these pancakes has 20 grams of protein and only 20 grams of protein. Plus, it has five grams of fiber and even a little calcium. Most “protein pancakes” contain way more carbs, sugar, and fat than they do protein. Also, they can be hard to make from scratch—protein powder, especially whey, can be difficult to cook with, because if you heat it too much, the texture of the end product will change. This mix makes it easy to add 20 grams of protein into your diet without eating another chicken breast, protein shake, or a protein bar that’s filled with strange ingredients. 

It’s gluten-free!

Like I said, protein pancakes can be hard to make from scratch—but gluten-free protein pancakes?! Forget about it. Gluten-free flours, like oat flour, coconut flour, and cassava flour, require different levels of hydration than gluten-filled flour, so unless you nail the exact ratios, you’re going to end up with a pancake that’s either super firm and dry or a pancake that doesn’t set/cook through. Also, if you’re watching your calories, do you really want to spend your time measuring and experimenting with ingredients and then figuring out the macronutrients? This Flapjacked mix gives you the exact ratios of mix to water to yield the perfect pancakes, and the nutrition facts are right on the back!

It makes delicious, fluffy pancakes, without all the extra work and groceries. 

Unless you have the gluten-free flours, protein powder, buttermilk, etc. on hand, you’ll have to go to the market and purchase them, which can get quite expensive. Personally, I’ll buy a bag of coconut flour and still have it a year later, even though I bake with it from time to time! Most recipes require a cup of this, ¼ a cup of that, and it’s easy to be left with a lot of products and ingredients that you don’t use on a regular basis. What I love about this mix is that it’s premade and pre-mixed—all you have to do is add water to it, let it sit for a few minutes, and start cooking. It takes the hassle out of making a special breakfast, and you can grab it from your pantry whenever you want pancakes! 

*It’s worth mentioning that this mix can also be used to bake, so it makes gluten-free baking a breeze. (P.S. They have a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies on the back of the bag!)*

I hope you snag a bag of this pancake mix the next time you head to a health-focused grocery store and give it a try! You can also find the mix on the FlapJacked website, or on Amazon

In the meantime, come join our community on the Pure Joy Wellness Private Facebook Group. We’re waiting with open arms to welcome you!

Happy holidays everyone,
