Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Beauty Cocktail Collagen Powder

If you watched my Instagram Live with Dr. Nigma Talib a few weeks ago, you know that I’m a proponent of eating for better skin. What happens in the gut doesn’t stay in the gut—and actually, signs of premature aging like fine lines and wrinkles have been linked to poor diet and gut health.

I’m not one to take a million supplements or powders—I’ve spent years trying out hundreds of them, and I’ve learned what works for me. One exception I make nowadays, though, is for this month’s Pure Joy Wellness Approved product. 

Introducing: The Beauty Cocktail Collagen Powder from Dr. Nigma Talib


Why I Love This Product

It’s easy to take on-the-go, and it tastes delicious. 

I’m not going to sugarcoat it: I have a busy schedule. During the week, I’m constantly working, whether it’s creating content, consulting and training with clients, or expanding my brand. This is honestly part of why I don’t take a ton of supplements or vitamins—it’s easy for me to get wrapped up in other tasks and forget! (Not to mention, many of the products I’ve tried aren’t worth the hassle, because they haven’t made much of a difference in my health, but that isn’t the case with this one!)

The Beauty Cocktail Collagen Powder comes in individual stick packs that are perfect to throw in my gym bag and purse so on the off-chance that I forget to take it (or if I’m behind schedule) I have it on hand to drink when I have a spare moment. This also makes it convenient for travel, and you could even stash some in your car. 

Now as for the taste, I can genuinely say that of all the powders and health-minded drink mixes I’ve tried, this one absolutely tastes the best. The consistency is stellar—it doesn’t clump up and it’s not grainy. It dissolves seamlessly in water, and to me, it tastes like a fruity mocktail! 

It’s definitely helped my digestion and inflammation. 

Given Dr. Talib’s passion for gut health, it’s no surprise that this product is a game-changer for digestion. The Beauty Cocktail contains probiotics, which we know support a healthy gut and microbiome, and it contains tons of essential vitamins and nutrients like polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin E, and calcium. Not only do we need all of these elements for our body to function properly, but they also fight off inflammation and help boost our immunity. Heading into cold and flu season, you can bet I’ll be taking this all fall and winter long to give my body what it needs to stay healthy! 

I feel more energized, and my skin is glowy!

You all know how much I love collagen—and as the name suggests, a central ingredient in this powder is collagen! The Beauty Cocktail uses the highest quality, sustainably sourced marine collagen, which has tons of benefits. Besides being a good source of protein, marine collagen can strengthen your hair and nails, promote skin elasticity, combat signs of aging, and more. The collagen has noticably made my skin glow, and overall I just feel more energized, upbeat, and healthy. You know that feeling when you just know your body is working as it should? That’s how I feel when I drink this product daily. The benefits are endless, and it’s backed by an expert I respect and trust. Need I say more? This stuff is legit!

I hope you’ll check out this product and give me your honest thoughts! And if you haven’t already, check out my full Instagram Live interview with Dr. Nigma Talibi, follow us on Instagram, and join the Private Pure Joy Wellness Facebook Group

