Want To Boost Your Self-Confidence? Try These 6 Tips

When I talk to women (of my age and all ages), something I hear a lot is that they struggle with confidence. They don’t feel good about themselves—how they look, how they sound, how they dress, etc. It hurts me to hear, because confidence is SO IMPORTANT if you want to live your fullest life, and we all deserve to have it, no matter what age we are. 

The way I see it, confidence is a byproduct of the way we treat ourselves. It goes back to something I’ve said before: Our minds are POWERFUL! The thoughts and words we allow into our minds are directly connected to what manifests in our lives. What we tell ourselves becomes how we think of ourselves. That’s why positive self-talk and practicing confidence matters! It’s not always easy, but it’s ALWAYS worth it. The more you accept yourself and embrace all that you are, the happier you will be, plain and simple. 

Here are six ways that I cultivate my confidence. 

1. I learn something new

Learning something new also makes me feel better about myself. It excites me and gives me a sense of accomplishment. This, in turn, makes me proud of myself which gives me more confidence! Think of an activity or skill you want to try—painting, knitting, learning a language or an instrument, anything. Whatever sounds like fun to you, give it a go!

2. I do something that’s out of my comfort zone

When I feel my confidence faltering, I like to push myself in some way to remind myself that I’m capable and brave. I pick an activity that I know will not harm me in any way by trying it, but will help me feel better about myself simply by trying. The key word here is TRY—you do not need to be great at it. You do not need to succeed at it. You do not need to walk away conquering whatever it is. The act of trying something that makes me a bit nervous and knowing I had the courage to do it is enough to help boost my confidence.

3. I continuously give up the need to be perfect

Sometimes my confidence wanes because I put pressure on myself to be perfect. (I know a lot of women who relate to this!!) The truth is, you don’t have to be perfect. Nobody gets it right all of the time. You can be grateful for where you are and what you have. You can start a new practice or habit without worrying about doing the activity correctly. Love yourself the way you are, but love yourself enough to change if you want to.

4. I remind myself that it’s okay to say NO!

I used to be a people pleaser, so it was easy to say yes when I really wanted to say “no.” I was always putting myself in an uncomfortable situation or wasting my time helping people who didn’t really care about me. So I made an effort to say no when I didn’t want to do something and stopped feeling guilty for turning them down. In the grand scheme of things, saying no a few times won’t change your life. 

5. I remember to prioritize myself. 

On the same note, I learn to put myself first more often. That might mean upsetting others or missing out on social events, but you should never feel like you have to do things for other people. You can’t fill others’ cups without filling your own—you have to take care of yourself first. Set aside time every week where you can indulge in some “me time,” whether that’s having a relaxing bath, going for a walk, or hitting the shops for some retail therapy.

6. I say positive affirmations every single day 

There is serious power in saying words out loud to yourself. There’s something about hearing them that makes them stick. A lot of people think it’s silly to stand in front of a mirror and speak to yourself, but I say those people are missing out, because it’s been a game changer for me and my confidence. Whatever you’re feeling down or insecure about, whatever words resonate with you—use those to create your affirmations. Lately I’ve been loving this one: “Everything I need to cope with this I already have, there’s nothing for me to fear.” Write down a few affirmations and say them to yourself once a day for a week…I PROMISE you will feel a difference in your confidence. 

At the end of the day, you have to remember that nothing is more important than what YOU think about YOU! You must love yourself and know who you truly are regardless of what anyone else says. Self-love is critical for living a happy, healthy life. Like I said before, the more you love yourself, the happier you are and the less you listen to the chatter of others. Feed your mind positive things every day about yourself!! Go out and know you are beautiful, you are strong, you are courageous, and you’ve got this world in the palm of your hand. See what amazing things happen when you know who you are and have confidence in you!

