How Red Light Therapy Can Transform Your Skin

Skincare is one of my favorite topics to talk about, and I’ve reviewed many products and techniques here on the PJW blog. In keeping with that tradition, this week’s blog post is all about my latest skincare obsession: red light therapy! It’s been a serious gamechanger for my skin health, and I love that it’s a non-invasive, downtime-free way to improve the appearance of my skin. 

When my go-to esthetician, Cynthia Rivas, first introduced me to red light therapy, I was admittedly skeptical. The supposed benefits sounded almost too good to be true—and in my experience, when that’s the case, they often are too good to be true. But after several sessions of her using the red light on my skin, I noticed a very clear difference in the appearance of my skin. For me, red light therapy has reduced the look of my fine lines, firmed up my skin, and given me a complexion boost that can only be described as a youthful glow. 


Read on to learn more about red light therapy! 

What is red light therapy? 

Red light therapy is a technique/treatment that involves using low wavelength red light to address various skin concerns. Those concerns range from wrinkles and scars to redness, acne, and beyond. Red light therapy is performed with infrared LED lights, so there’s not the same risk of UV light damage like you can get from, say, the sun or sitting in a tanning bed. (UV light can damage or kill skin cells, which leads to premature aging, skin cancer, etc.)

When our skin is exposed to this kind of red light, our cells are able to absorb the light, convert it to energy, and rejuvenate themselves. This process is called photorejuvenation, and through this stimulation of skin cells, our body’s natural process of cell regeneration is set in motion. Our cells are then able to repair themselves, which comes with many benefits, as I’ll explain in the next section. (Red light also boosts our skin’s collagen and elastin production, two proteins that we produce less and less of as we age.)

Benefits of red light therapy

The benefits you can reap from red light therapy are spectacular. Red light therapy has been shown to: 

  • Reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and age or sun spots

  • Reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite

  • Improve appearance of scars

  • Decrease acne and blemishes

  • Reduce skin inflammation, especially for those with psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema

  • Improve appearance of sun-damaged skin

  • Improve facial texture and complexion

  • Improve wound healing and tissue repair

  • Improve hair growth for people with androgenic alopecia

  • Relieve pain and inflammation

Honestly, I can’t name another treatment that addresses all of these concerns…can you? And it bears repeating that red light therapy is noninvasive, meaning no tools break the skin or enter the body—the red light shines on you, and your body goes to work from there!

How/where to get red light therapy

Red light therapy is safe enough to do at home—I know a number of people who have invested in at-home red light panels and face masks—but you can also get it done at certain spas, skin clinics, and dermatologist offices. Like I mentioned, I get mine done with Cynthia Rivas, if you want to check her out! Otherwise, you can look up red light therapy treatments in your area—lots of places have it nowadays.

Treatments usually last from five to 30 minutes, and you can expect to see results after a few months of consistent use. Like any treatment that actually works, you will not see results overnight—it takes time and consistency! Fortunately, of all the skin treatments I’ve done, I find red light the most relaxing and therapeutic. You simply lie under the light with protective lenses on, and breathe. The light is slightly warm, but not hot, and after each session, I feel refreshed and at ease. 

For more skincare secrets and advice from our PJW experts, make sure to join our Private Facebook Group and follow us on Instagram

