Embracing the Joy: The Healing Power of Hugs

Ah, the holiday season—the time for friends, family, and togetherness. This time of year is my absolute favorite, and one thing that makes these moments extra special for me is all of the hugs I get from people I love. I used to wonder why these embraces made me feel so good, and then I decided to look into the science behind hugs. It turns out—hugging is really good for you! Whether it's a bear hug or a group squeeze, wrapping yourself in a good ol' hug has amazing benefits for your body and mind. So in honor of this holiday season, I’m sharing with you all of the reasons you should give and receive hugs.

Hugging is often dismissed as a mere display of affection, but it has a much deeper impact on our well-being than most people realize. This impact is due to a hormone called oxytocin, aptly dubbed the "love hormone" or "cuddle hormone." This neurotransmitter takes center stage in social bonding, trust, and emotional well-being. When you engage in a heartfelt hug, your body responds by releasing oxytocin, forging a connection and mitigating stress.

In addition to releasing more oxytocin into our bodies, hugging has a lot of health benefits, such as…

Lowering your blood pressure

Picture that tense moment when a welcoming hug melts away your stress. Hugging significantly lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones, including the notorious cortisol. A single 20-second hug before a stress-inducing task acts can soothe and calm your cardiovascular system. 

Elevating your mood

Hugs are potent mood enhancers! Beyond stress reduction, the release of oxytocin contributes to a positive outlook, acting as a natural antidote against feelings of loneliness and depression. This can be a gamechanger for anyone struggling with seasonal depression this time of year. 

Boosting your immunity

Believe it or not, the positive effects of hugging extend to our immune system. Studies suggest that heightened oxytocin levels and the sense of security associated with hugging contribute to an improved immune response. Given that we’re in the midst of cold and flu season, a few extra hugs might help you stay off the sick list. 

Heightening your feelings of emotional support 

Hugging provides a tangible sense of comfort throughout everyday life, as well as during and emotional storms. The physical closeness and empathetic touch convey support and understanding, facilitating emotional healing and resilience. In the midst of life's challenges, a hug can feel like a safe place.

Hugs are for everyone—friends, chosen or biological family, acquaintances, whoever you feel comfortable with. They’re not reserved for romantic relationships, and you can choose the intention behind your hug (e.g. casual, friendly, comforting, romantic, spontaneous, etc.). Hopefully it goes without saying, but make sure to look out for the other person’s body language and cues during a hug—you don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable or disrespected. 

If hugging someone else isn’t up your alley, you can actually still reap some of the benefits with a self hug or hugging your pet. Another idea is to incorporate activities that involve physical touch, like a manicure/pedicure or a massage. 

As you gather with family and friends this holiday season, embrace the simple and profound benefits of hugs. A warm, heartfelt embrace not only elevates your mood in the moment, but it also contributes to your overall well-being. In the tapestry of human connection, the humble hug emerges as a powerful thread, weaving joy and health together.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season! 

