The Five-Minute Workout Even Busy Women Can Fit Into Their Busy Days

The Five-Minute Workout Even Busy Women Can Fit Into Their Busy Days

In this day and age, we’re all super busy. We have so much going on in every sphere of our lives—we have obligations to our family, friends, and work, and we have a multitude of responsibilities that come with every role we play. So when it comes to fitting exercise into your already hectic schedule, you probably assume you don’t have time for it, and you immediately think “yea right, that’s not happening.”

But research has shown that you don’t have to trudge along on the treadmill for hours at a time or lift 100 pound weights to reap the benefits of exercise.

Studies have shown that brief periods of physical activity do add up, and together, they have a positive effect on our weight and overall health. How brief are we talking? Just five minutes! As busy as we are, we ALL have five minutes to spare

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