8 Foods You Should Always Have On Hand—No Matter What


It’s hard to remember a time when grocery stores were so full and empty at the same time—of course, I mean full of people and out of items. As the weeks pass, we’re all trying to stay stocked on food and minimize trips to the grocery store in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus. So with that in mind, I thought I’d put together a list of items you should ALWAYS have in your pantry and freezer—no matter what. 

1. Eggs 

Eggs are full of protein and healthy fats, making them a worthwhile addition to almost any meal—and a great meal on their own! Try scrambling them with vegetables, serving them poached over spinach, or making a frittata (like the Egg White Frittata I shared last week!). 

2. Oats 

Not only are oats a healthy, complex carbohydrate and solid source of fiber, but they have an incredibly long shelf-life. Stored in an airtight container or sealed freezer bag, oats will usually last 18 to 24 months. In just a few minutes you can whip up a sweet bowl of oatmeal using frozen berries and nut butter, or you can go savory and add salt, pepper, spices, and veggies. For more protein, throw a fried egg on top!

3. Berries (frozen or fresh)

Speaking of berries, they’re one of the healthiest foods out there. Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are antioxidant powerhouses, not to mention full of fiber and delicious. Add them to oatmeal, smoothies, or enjoy them as a snack anytime. 

4. Quinoa 

Unlike rice and most other grains, quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids that our bodies need. (This is significant, because there aren’t as many plant-based complete proteins as there are complete animal proteins.) Quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein, and contains vital nutrients like magnesium, manganese, iron, and more.

5. Leafy greens (frozen works, or freeze fresh greens) 

Are you surprised these made the list? Leafy greens are at the top of my “foods you should eat every day” list, and I can’t praise their health benefits enough. Fiber, phytonutrients, antioxidants—I could go on and on. I like eating fresh greens in salads or cooked into meals, but I always keep either frozen spinach, kale, and chard on hand to throw into a stir fry, soup, or whatever I’m eating. Keep these on hand!

6. Fish, chicken, or turkey 

If you want to stay healthy and not be hungry all the time, you have to incorporate protein into your meals. And if you exercise, protein is especially important, as it’s a key ingredient for muscle recovery. Fish, chicken, and turkey are my favorites because I like leaner cuts of protein, but there are tons of options to choose from. Pick a few that you like, cook them up or freeze them. Take my word for it—you’ll be happy you did. 

7. Lemons 

Every morning, I drink warm water with lemon before I’ve eaten anything. I find this kickstarts my digestion and helps my body detoxify itself. Also, it makes drinking water more enjoyable, if that’s something you struggle with! Adding lemon to your meals is an easy way to add a lot of flavor and freshness to any dish. Squeeze some lemon juice over sautéed spinach, fresh fish, or combine with olive oil and herbs for a tasty salad dressing. 

8. Nut butter 

And finally, we have nut butter. Nuts have numerous benefits, from their satiating fats (like omega-3s), to their fiber and robust vitamin content. Almond and cashew butter are typically seen as healthier choices, but regardless of what type of nut butter you choose, make sure to look at the ingredients. You’re looking for nuts and salt—that’s it. No sugar, no extra oils. Almond butter with toast is a great pre-workout snack, but you can also eat it with an apple, banana, and even celery.

Next time you go to the store, put these items on your list (and every grocery list from now on)! 

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