20 Benefits Of Walking For 30 Minutes A Day

The Pure Joy Wellness Walking Challenge is officially BACK! This is the sixth one we’ve done and we don’t plan on stopping! By now, if you joined the Challenge before, I hope you’re feeling good and are looking forward to crushing this challenge. 

There are a lot of reasons why women in the PJW Community do the Walking Challenge. Some are looking for a way to kickstart their health journey, some want to lose weight, some want to get outside more, and some want a mental health boost. Whatever their reason, they keep coming back, and now we have more women walking than ever! 

I’ve written before about why walking is a superior exercise, but this time I really want to show you ALL the benefits. Inspired by a post I saw on Instagram from the The Prehab Guys here are 20 benefits of walking 30 minutes a day—like we do during the Walking Challenge! 


1. Walking helps reduce your risk of heart disease

Given how prevalent heart disease is (it’s the number one cause of death globally), this is a huge benefit! Read my recent blog post about heart disease and how you can prevent it here

2. Walking can help you maintain your weight. 

Like all exercise, walking burns calories. And because it’s a form of low-intensity steady-state cardiovascular exercise, walking can help you burn fat and keep your weight down. 

3. Walking reduces stress levels. 

Exercise in general can reduce your stress levels, but walking in particular doesn’t spike your cortisol levels (aka the stress hormone) like some high intensity workouts can. If you have a lot on your mind, a walk can help you decompress. 

4. Walking increases your energy level. 

I’m not kidding when I say that sitting begets sitting. The more you sit, the more you want to sit. Our bodies are reactive vessels—they adapt to the conditions we subject them to. So while it may seem hard to walk for 30 minutes in the beginning, especially if you are just starting to exercise, it will get easier every time and soon you’ll start to crave it! The energy boost we get from walking daily is unmatched. 

5. Walking helps boost your mood. 

Feeling down? Depressed? Walking is a cost-free mood booster. Not only will it get your endorphins going, but if you walk outside, you’ll also reap the many psychological benefits of being out in nature. 

6. Walking gets your blood pumping and increases your circulation. 

Considering how many of us sit at our desks all day, this benefit cannot be overstated. Walking at any pace increases blood flow throughout the body. Good circulation ensures that our organs function properly… aka it’s super important! 

7. Walking can help you lose weight and/or prevent obesity. 

A lot of women do the Walking Challenge with the goal of losing weight…and it works! Take it from Walking Warrior Sandra, who lost 26 pounds through the Walking Challenge! 

8. Walking can help reduce your anxiety. 

Similar to how walking decreases stress levels, it’s a miracle worker for anxiety. Next time you feel anxious, lace up your shoes and hit the pavement. Your worries will melt away. 

9. Walking increases the functioning of the lungs. 

Walking is an aerobic activity, meaning it not only works your heart, but also your lungs—and our lungs need exercise to function efficiently

10. Walking outside gets your body some vitamin D. 

We all know sunshine is a healthy source of vitamin D… so it’s no surprise that walking helps you get your daily dose. (Just don’t forget to wear sunscreen!)

11. Walking reduces your risk of cancer. 

According to Cancer.org, walking is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, and heart disease. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say.

12. Walking can improve your sleep. 

Walking clears your mind and boosts your mood, but it also calms your body. This makes it a great sleep aid. Sometimes insomnia is triggered by feeling restless or having pent up energy. Getting in a 30 minute walk daily can decrease the likelihood of those issues. 

13. Walking is an easy form of meditation and self-care. 

Many people, including me, find walking to be meditative. Taking steady steps on the pavement, listening to the sounds of the city… it puts me in a good headspace. Plus, setting aside time for yourself to take care of your body is the ultimate act of self-love. 

14. Walking improves your coordination and balance. 

Balance, mobility, and coordination become more and more important the older we get. Because walking requires you to keep your body upright, and uneven terrain challenges your balance, it’s an effective way to improve these skills. 

15. Walking improves your quality of life. 

When your mood is boosted, your stress and anxiety are lessened, and you feel strong and healthy, it’s no surprise that your overall quality of life improves! 

16. Walking reduces your chances of developing diabetes. 

Many studies have shown that walking is a stellar exercise for people with diabetes because it helps manage blood sugar levels. Even better, walking has been shown to help prevent the onset of diabetes, so it’s worthwhile for all of us to do. 

17. Walking can spark creativity. 

When you hit a wall with a creative project or feel stuck in a rut, there’s no better anecdote than a walk! You’d be surprised how much a breath of fresh air and getting your blood pumping affects your brain function. It’s my go-to creativity hack. 

18. Walking strengthens your bones and muscles. 

Research has shown that walking can reduce loss of bone density and bone mass—both of which we start to lose as we get older. Osteoporosis, aka the weakening of our bones, is a very common disease in older women. Read more about osteoporosis prevention here. 

19. Walking can improve your blood pressure. 

It’s long been known that walking can help lower your blood pressure, which is fantastic news for those with hypertension. 

20. Finally, walking can boost your immune system! 

A surprising benefit of walking is that it can improve your immune system. In a Harvard Health study, men and women who walked at least 5 days a week had 43 percent fewer sick days than those who exercised once a week or less. During the Walking Challenge, we’re walking every day…so the benefits are likely even greater!

To all my #PJWWalkingWarriors out there, I’m so proud of you! I’m excited for the whole community to reap these benefits over the next month. Keep your eyes on our this page for updates on the Walking Challenge, prizes, and more. 

