One Year Later: What I've Learned Through Loss

One Year Later: What I've Learned Through Loss

I’m coming up on the one year anniversary of my partner, Panos, passing away. I can’t believe it’s been that long—it feels like it happened so much more recently. Naturally, it’s been on my mind a lot lately and I wanted to treat this week’s blog post as a way to remember and honor him, while also reflecting on what I’ve learned in the past year. I miss him every day; this one’s for you Panos. 

If you are someone who is currently grieving, or someone who is trying to help another person in your life who is grieving, I hope this blog post helps you and makes you feel seen. Maybe it can even help you move forward. 

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3 Tips For Coping With Grief, From Patty Lennon

3 Tips For Coping With Grief, From Patty Lennon

All of this year, I’ve been dealing with something very serious. This is the first time I’m sharing this news with the PJW community.

In late December 2021, my partner of 17 years, Panos, was diagnosed with cancer. He was suave and debonair and smart and funny and twice an olympian. Early on, he received a terminal prognosis, but after consulting with his doctors, we decided to proceed with chemo treatments and I became his caregiver.

From January onward, he grew very, very sick. He was admitted to the hospital multiple times.

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