One Year Later: What I've Learned Through Loss

One Year Later: What I've Learned Through Loss

I’m coming up on the one year anniversary of my partner, Panos, passing away. I can’t believe it’s been that long—it feels like it happened so much more recently. Naturally, it’s been on my mind a lot lately and I wanted to treat this week’s blog post as a way to remember and honor him, while also reflecting on what I’ve learned in the past year. I miss him every day; this one’s for you Panos. 

If you are someone who is currently grieving, or someone who is trying to help another person in your life who is grieving, I hope this blog post helps you and makes you feel seen. Maybe it can even help you move forward. 

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How To Cope With Depression—My Advice

How To Cope With Depression—My Advice

The conversation around mental health has expanded and deepened A LOT—more and more people are talking about their struggles every day—but we still have a long way to go if we’re going to actually destigmatize mental health (which I see as a goal that would truly benefit us all). 

Personally, I’ve dealt with depression at various points throughout my life, the most recent being the depression that stemmed from the death of my long-time partner last year. I felt emotions and pain beyond anything I’d ever felt before, and it’s taken until now, almost a full year later, for me to feel like I’m coming out on the other side.

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How To Spring Clean Your Mind & Increase Your Joy

How To Spring Clean Your Mind & Increase Your Joy

At long last, spring is here! Boy, it feels like this winter lasted forever, and I am so happy to have sunny, warmer days ahead of us. 

Whenever the season changes, especially from winter to spring, I find myself feeling very introspective. I’m constantly checking myself and monitoring my mindset, but every year when spring rolls around, I do what I call “mental spring cleaning.” In short, I take whatever is clogging and cluttering my mind, and I consciously try to get rid of it. I find this kind of exercise very cathartic and healing, and it’s become my yearly tradition. 

I’ve told a lot of my friends and clients about this mental spring cleaning practice, and they all seem to really like it, so I thought, why not share it on the blog?

Here’s how you can do some mental spring cleaning yourself, so you can go into this next season feeling clear and fresh. 

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7 Lessons I Learned This Year

7 Lessons I Learned This Year

This week I will celebrate my 66th birthday! Woohoo! Happy, happy birthday to me and to anyone else born on the same day. We Scorpios are so blessed to get another turn around the sun.

I’m fully aware that not everyone gets to be my age. It’s a gift, an honor, a blessing, and a privilege. Each year around my birthday, I enjoy taking a few moments to reflect on what’s transpired over the last 12 months—and to think about how I can keep growing in ways that support my physical health and my emotional/mental well-being.

I’ll be honest with you: This has not been an easy year for me to look back on. Anxiety, Fear, Isolation, Loneliness, Loss, and Grief were my frequent companions.

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