Calling All Women Over 50: Here’s How To Make 2020 Your Healthiest Year Yet!

It’s officially 2020, and after taking a brief hiatus from blogging and social media, I’m happy to say I’m back! 


I’ve been hard at work on Pure Joy Wellness, and I’m excited to take my brand in a new, community-focused direction this year. 

To start, I’d like to look at an email a new client recently sent me:

Hi Renata, 

Yesterday I tried on a new pair of pants that came from Athleta. They were size 0, and they fit me like a glove. BUT... all I could see was that my middle section looked like a ball. Why do I look like this? Why can’t I poop? Why am I so uncomfortable!


This note struck a chord, because I vividly remember feeling like this. I remember waking one day and realizing that the piece of chocolate cake I ate for breakfast wasn’t going to cut it—I wasn’t 20 anymore. Life changes when we get older, there’s no doubt about it, but that doesn’t mean life has to get worse—that’s where Pure Joy Wellness can help. 

I’ve been passionate about health and wellness for over four decades, and my goal has always been to teach people how to live a healthier, higher quality life. But the more time I spent working with clients—as a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach—the more I gravitated towards women over 50. I realized that there is a lack of education and representation in the wellness space, especially for these women. These women are being left to their own devices—no one is talking about their issues. Instead, they are taught to believe that aging means they’re less important. I wanted women to know that this isn’t the case. 

In my 63 years, I’ve had the same experiences as a lot of women. I’ve had to juggle home life and my career. I’ve gone through menopause. I’ve felt like I haven’t had enough time for myself, and that I had to put everyone before myself. I’ve faced the same struggles that many women do, and through experimenting on myself, I’ve learned what works and I’ve come out on the other side. I’ve also helped thousands of women get their health back, revitalize their bodies and spirits, and be confident in who they are at any age. 

Pure Joy Wellness isn’t about getting a bikini body in 10 days or losing five pounds overnight. It isn’t about having the “perfect” bodies we see on Instagram. It’s about learning to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. It’s about moving your body, managing your stress, and thinking about what food and products you’re putting in and on your body. It’s about letting go of the guilt you feel when you fall off the wagon, and not being afraid to make mistakes. Health isn’t an all-or-nothing kind of thing. It’s a holistic and ongoing process—it’s about finding what you love, and doing it. 

Building a Community

I’m here to create a community where women feel safe to talk about whatever issues they’re dealing with—everything from menopause, nutrition, and fitness, to supplements, skincare, and mental health. On my blog and social media accounts, you’ll find the tips and tricks that have led myself and my clients to success, as well as recipes and advice gleaned from a vast network of experts, as well as my own experiences and expertise. 

Changing the Conversation Around Aging

And above all, I’m here to change the conversation around aging. We have to stop seeing aging as a bad thing, something to avoid at all costs. Instead, let’s celebrate it. I’m here to show you that any age can look and feel great—aging doesn’t have to mean falling apart. We can age optimally, gracefully, and with gratitude for the journey. 

Join the Conversation

If you’re a woman over 50, you are not alone. Your experiences and struggles matter, and getting older doesn’t diminish your worth. I encourage you to join our Pure Joy Wellness Private Facebook group—a space where you and women like you are free to express themselves, support each other, and seek advice from myself and other members. All you have to do is visit the group here and click “Join Group.” From there, I’ll accept your request and you’re in! 

Let’s Create Something Special Together

This is the start of a new beginning—for you, for me, and for the Pure Joy Wellness community. If you want to change your life, I’m here to say that you absolutely can. Let’s build something special together. (And if you’re like Mary, go to your doctor and have your hormone checked and add more fiber, like lentils to your diet).

