Pure Joy Wellness Approved - Reusable Silicone Sheet Mask Set for Face + Eyes

As a skincare obsessee, I’m always on the lookout for the latest skincare innovations—like red light therapy, antioxidant products, and microbiome skin tests. Recently, I came across an incredible product, and after using it for several months, I can say without hesitation that it’s #PureJoyWellnessApproved. Allow me to introduce you to a more effective, less wasteful replacement for your favorite face masks… the Reusable Silicone Sheet Mask Set for Face + Eyes from Province Apothecary!


Reusable Silicone Sheet Mask Set for Face + Eyes from Province Apothecary, $38

If you read the Pure Joy Wellness blog often, you probably saw me post about my morning skincare routine a few months ago. If you did, you would see that I’m a huge fan of skin serums, especially vitamin C serum. Well, the Reusable Silicone Sheet Mask Set for Face + Eyes from Province Apothecary allows you to convert whatever serum you like best into a sheet mask and an eye mask!

Using the mask is super simple, you just:

  • Wash the mask with warm water and soap before using it for the first time

  • Apply whatever products you want to use to your skin (your entire face for the sheet mask, and under your eyes for the eye mask)

  • Put the eye mask sheets on first if you’re using them, and then the face one on top

  • Let the masks sit for 15 to 30 minutes and remove it. Massage any extra product into the skin, and finish your skincare routine

Here’s why I love this set, and where to get your own.  

#1: It’s sustainable and endless reusable!

Sheet masks are a nice form of self-care, but let’s face it, they’re not eco-friendly. Sheet masks are made from materials similar to those of wet wipes—in other words, they’re non-compostable, un-recyclable, and non-biodegradable. Many of them contain propylene and butylene glycol (both unsustainable chemicals) and some even use plastic polymers. Single-use face masks end up in landfills or other pollution hubs, and they shed more microplastics than plastic straws. Apparently one-time use sheet masks create over 3,000 pounds of trash that are not biodegradable or recyclable…yikes! Thankfully, this reusable set (it comes with a face mask and two under eye masks) is made from silicone, so it's endlessly reusable, it doesn't shed microplastics, and it’s perfectly safe for your skin. Not to mention, the silicone is soft, which makes the experience of using it even more pleasant. 

#2: You can use any serum or balm you want, making it perfect for all skin types!

When you pick up a sheet mask at the store, you never really know if it’s going to get along with your skin until you try it. There have been times when I’ve put a face mask on, only to find that it irritated my skin, so I had to throw it out. What a waste, right? With this sheet mask, you can use whatever serum or balm you want, so it works well for any skin type! Whatever skincare serum you’re loving (I recommend the iS Clinical serums), just apply it to the mask and voila, you’ve got yourself a custom face and eye mask. I love the versatility of this set too—some days I use a vitamin C serum on it, while others I’ll use a hydrating balm or other nourishing serum. Because it’s washable and reusable, you can switch up your routine and treat your skin to whatever it needs at that moment. 

#3: It’s budget-friendly and you get more bang for your buck. 

Single-use sheet masks aren’t super expensive…but if you use them a lot, they’re not cheap either. The sheet masks at Sephora are $5.50 each before tax, and you throw them out after each use. Plus, those are just for your face! If you want eye masks too, you’ll probably be paying more like $20 to $40, depending on what brand you get. This reusable mask set is just $38 and you get ENDLESS uses out of it! For $38, you would only get six sheet masks at Sephora. On top of that, you’ll get more use out of the products you buy, as the masks are designed to help your products further penetrate your skin to provide maximum benefits. This is a huge benefit, especially if you’re using anti-aging products and are hoping to minimize fine lines and wrinkles. You’ll get more value from your products AND from your mask. 

You can buy the Reusable Silicone Sheet Mask Set for Face + Eyes from Province Apothecary on the Province Apothecary website, here!

